In case you may or may not have known, our happy little puppy Grandpa (he’ll be 9 in November) has cancer, osteo sarcoma. Its a cancer mass formed on the bone in the orbital space of his right eye.

I know that Grandpa is somewhat old in dog years, but that little guy still acts like a puppy!
A couple of weeks ago we noticed his eye getting red. I thought it was just allergies, but then we noticed that his right eye was drifting to the right and protruding out. We knew something was up so we went to our Vet. He prescribed some antibiotics and sent us on our way.
A couple of days later it got really bad, I called it the Angry Eye because it was red, and sticking out even more, what makes it worst he was lethargic and not eating. I knew it was pain, and we made an appointment to see and animal eye specialist. I was hoping that he got some thing caught in his eye, or that he may have chewed on a branch that got logged through the roof of his mouth that connected to his eye in some way, anything! Anything but cancer!
Well, that was not the case. When the Dr. said that it was cancer, my thoughtful little 13 year old noticed that I was not my old cheery self and came up to me and said “looks like you can use a hug”. I thank God everyday for the blessings he gave and keeps giving me!
I asked my kids, to take Grandpa to the car while I settle the Vet bill, then I went in to the rest room to compose myself. It was dark when we picked him up but that didn’t keep me form driving with my sunglasses on. I have to be optimistic, not just for my kids, wife, and grandpa but for me as well.
So now radiation. Today is the 3rd day of radiation, and we are optimistic. With all of the medication and love, the bulge in his eye has diminished. We are trying almost anything to keep our little guy with us healthy and pain free for as long as possible.
Thank you for rant, in some way this is actually therapeutic.